By Software Team
HappyCo software makes it easy for On-site staff to document and capture move-out damage revenue.
Although the cost of turning over a unit only comes into play once a Tenant moves out, your Property Management company’s work to ensure a Tenant’s deposit goes towards paying for excessive damage starts when the Tenant moves in.
Move-IN inspections are just as important as move-OUT inspections. In fact, your move-out inspection is only as good as your signed move-in inspection
Summerfield uses a platform called HappyCo to document move-in/out inspections with photos to reduce owner liability, increase revenue, and raise NOI.
HappyCo makes it easy to document damages and the cost against a Tenant’s security deposit. It seamlessly integrates with Yardi Voyager 7s; it imports pictures, notes outlining the damage, estimated cost to repair, etc. right from a mobile phone application.
It does not work on its own, you have to properly set it up, train staff how to use it, and stay on top of them until it becomes a habit.
On average, we have seen just over a $350 increase in damage revenue per move-out.